Using Inner Images in Individual Therapy and Coaching

Often we try to find solutions to problems and conflicts with our mind and we fail. Logic has its limits and life is richer and more colourful. Your right brain with its inner images, your fantasies, your dreams are a great resource. Many therapy directions like hypnotherapy and NLP, but also mental training in coaching use these inner images. For example, if you must make a decision between two alternatives, logic is often not enough. If, on the other hand, you let an image emerge that shows a landscape where two paths diverge, you discover much more of the background and your new possibilities. The seminar shows you many ways in which you as a coach or therapist can stimulate inner images in your client about problems and also physical symptoms. You encourage an image, then together you enter into the image and allow it to change. You follow the client’s ideas and at the same time stimulate them by asking the right questions. This opens up new perspectives and possibilities. Please note that this is a recording of an online workshop held by Bertold Ulsamer in collaboration with African Constellations and REAL Academy. The sessions span 6 evenings of about 1 to 1/2 hours each. Anel Hamersma, our hostess, has edited the content to slip directly into your Therapy and Coaching practice or to enrich your own development.