Interrupted Reaching Out Movement Sarah Peyton engages participants during the 5th Australasian Constellation Intensive in Sydney in learning and exploration of trauma and neuroscience. Articles Interrupted Reaching-out movement, by Maria Dolenc Books Love’s Hidden Symmetry by Bert Hellinger Acknowledging what is: conversations with Bert Hellinger
Victim-Perpetrator Systemic Constellation on the North Korean Conflict with Stephan Hausner Victim & Perpetrator Dynamics- Christine with Dr. Franz Ruppert in Singapore Articles Systemic Family Constellations and their use with prisoners serving long-term sentences for murder or rape by Dan Booth Cohen Books I Carry Your Heart in My Heart: Family Constellations […]

When there is illness, there is communication from the system that something is needed. The Symptom always makes sense. In the systemic worldview we don’t seek to eradicate or remove symptoms, as they will only manifest again in a different form. We seek to find out what is behind the symptom, what the symptom is […]
Phenomenology Phenomenology: WTF? Time and Phenomenology explained! Understanding Phenomenology “Phenomenology in 5 Acts”: A Short lecture on Phenomenology Articles How phenomenology can help us learn from the experiences of others by Brian E. Neubauer Phenomenological Approaches in Psychology and Health Sciences by Annette Sofie Davidsen Phenomenological counselling and psychotherapy by David Brazier
What is a Family Constellation?

Barry Krost Interview by Oscar Westra van Holthe Franz Ruppert interviewed by Oscar Westra van Holthe Guni Baxa Interview by Oscar Westra van Holthe Brendan O’Brien interview by Oscar Westra van Holthe Sarah Peyton Interview by Oscar Westra van Holthe Fung Interview by Oscar Westra van Holthe Emma Sánchez Interview by Oscar Westra van Holthe […]
Organisational Constellations

What are business constellations, with Martijn Meima Business Constellations Company Coaching Organisational Constellations What do we mean by systemic? With Sarah Cornally Unlocking systemic intelligence with Sarah Cornally The Organizational Constellations work Jan Jacob Stam Jan Jacob Stam – Trauma in Organizations Systemic Constellations Work in Organizations by Joseph Roevens PhD Albrecht Mahr on Human […]
Zulu roots of constellation work

Publications and articles Constellation work and Zulu culture: Theoretical reflections on Therapeutic and Cultural Concepts. A Zulu woman’s experience of Family Constellations: An Interview between Tanja Meyburgh and Lindiwe Mthembu-Salter Hellinger in South Africa: a-story of the Zulu origins of Family Constellations, By Tanja Meyburgh, 2009 African Constellations: in search of how African Ancestral Healing […]

To many of our ancestors, the way we live now was inconceivable and completely foreign. It was a different time and place with different rules, and yet our ancestors are still very much a part of us. The memory of all that they lived and experienced is coded in our DNA, It is a part […]