Ginny Vinson

Ginny Vinson nurtures positive change through courage, love, and meticulous attention to the ecology of individuals and organizations. In 2001, in the prime of her life, Ginny was rear-ended by a tractor trailer which left her as a quadriplegic. The life she knew was over, but she soon realized the utility of the two things […]
Jonine Lee Gabay

‘A tree cannot choose the place it grows, yet the place where its seed fellto earth is the right place for that tree. The same is true for us. Theplace where the parents are is the only possible place for each human being,and therefore, the right place’. – Bert Hellinger Jonine has been in full […]
Brendan O’Brien

MA BA (Psychotherapy) HDipEd MIACP A retired Lecturer in Psychotherapy at MTU, Ireland, Brendan is the Director of Family Constellations Ireland. A former Vice-Chair of ISCA, he has been involved in Constellation Work for over 25 years. He worked as a School Principal in Special Education for ten years. Brendan and his wife, Eileen, have […]
Gaye Donaldson

Gaye Donaldson first encountered Systemic Constellation Work in 1994. This chance meeting began a love and ever-deepening journey of exploration of the work. In 2005 Gaye was invited to join the Centre for Systemic Constellations (CSC) which had been set up in 2000. She stood down as Managing Director in 2022 but remains part of the Senior Teaching Faculty. In […]

Author, Facilitator, Trainer, Healer The rich tapestry of Family Constellation work will help you to discover the power of working with your Ancestral Heritage to transform what you see manifest in your life, the unsettled inner dialogue, and the feelings of discomfort. In working with Shavasti, you will work with one of the world’s most […]
Bill Mannle

Bill is a Gestalt, Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Connecticut, USA. He is a former faculty member at Southern Connecticut State University where he served as a Clinical Supervisor in the Marriage & Family Program and taught a course in Family of Origin. His therapeutic and Constellations career was initiated in a […]
Dan Cohen

Dan’s clinical practice specializes in helping individuals, couples and families heal the effects of inherited trauma and fulfil their desires for having more love and deeper impact in their lives. He has a strong interest in healing generational trauma inherited from war, genocide, and the legacy of slavery. Combining a near-encyclopaedic knowledge of world history, […]
Marianne Franke-Griksch

Marianne Franke-Griksch was born in 1942 in Munich, Germany. She is the mother of two sons and is divorced. Following a twenty-five-year career in teaching at various Grundschulen and Hauptschulen while concurrently training and practicing psychotherapy and Family Constellation work, Franke-Griksch now has a private practice for psychotherapy and family therapy. Beginning in 1975, she […]
Albrecht Mahr

Medical doctor, specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy, psychoanalyst, systems therapist. President of the Systemic Constellations and Integrative Solutions Institute, Würzburg offering workshops for clients and professional trainings worldwide and organizing international conferences on systemic aspects in large group conflict in the series “Fields of Conflict – Fields of Wisdom”. President 2008 – 2011 of […]
Karl-Heinz Rauscher

Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Rauscher (MD) studied medicine in Munich (Germany) and Yale University (USA) and spent eleven years practicing as a specialist in Internal Medicine. He is also trained in Humanistic Psychotherapy and group dynamics. Trained in Family Constellation Work (SCW) by Bert Hellinger he has been leading international workshops and trainings in SCW since […]
Sneh Victoria Schnabel

Born in 1947 and raised in Freiburg. • Facilitator and long-term instructor (DGfS) of constellation work, founder of the School for the Path Less Traveled. • Initiator and co-director of the conference series: Constellation Work and Spirituality (2004, 2006, 2008) • Guest lecturer and trainer at institutes in Germany and abroad; lecturer at international conferences […]
Guni Leila Baxa, PhD

State-certified psychotherapist and psychologist, field supervisor, instructor for Systemic Family Therapy. Wide background in (psycho) therapeutic methods. Advanced trainings for constellation work throughout the world. Guni is a “war child”, born 1941 during the second world war: times connected with very difficult experiences. Yet already within this early stage in her childhood Guni developed a […]